A message from our pupils
Welcome to Balfour!
We are very proud of our school and would like to tell you about why our school is so special.
Our values are:
- Respectful - of each other and our environment.
- Resilient - in our learning and the way we keep trying when things are hard.
- Reflective - in our learning and in how we learn about ourselves and the world we live in.
- Responsible - we understand how our thoughts and actions affect others, our community and our world.
We have 4 houses that we have chosen named after inspirational people that we feel have contributed positively to our world and represent qualities and ideas that inspire us.
House- Malala
House Marcus
House Greta
House Boyan
Each year group takes a letter from the word BALFOUR and has chosen a theme for the names of their classes, so reception are named using the letter B- Bugs, Beetles and Bumblebees and in Year 6 the classes are names using the letter R- Red Vipers, River Jacks etc. This connects us to our school and give us a sense of belonging.
We want to be children who understand how we can play a part in caring for our community and environment, work together to treat others fairly and equally and who value and celebrate differences.
Our voice in our school
Every child in our school is important. We want teachers to help us do our best in our learning and have opportunities to learn about ourselves and our world.
There are many opportunities to grow and develop our skills through leadership roles:
Pupil Parliament- we can apply for roles as MPs representing our community, the environment and learning in school.
- Play Leaders-every class elects two Play Leaders who take responsibility for the play equipment and helping other children at playtimes.
- KS2 Lunchtime Clubs-each half term we get the opportunity to set up and run our own clubs based on our interests.
- House Captains-we monitor and keep a running total of house points across the school each week. The winning house receives an amount of money which they can donate to a charity of their choice.
- Year 6 Prefects-the teachers elect prefects each term to help with everything from office and IT duties, to setting up the hall for assemblies.
Learning at Balfour
Our school curriculum is one of the most exciting things about our school. We get to learn new facts and develop our skill across a range of subjects, every year building on what we already know. This allows every one of us to excel at what we are good at, be the best we can be and recognise and celebrate the strengths of ourselves and others.
Our teachers do everything possible to make our learning experience as exciting as possible with interesting visits and visitors. We use Now, Press Play to bring our learning to life and experience life in the past.
Before and after school clubs
We have a huge range of exciting clubs at Balfour from sports to Spanish and art- something for everyone!
We also have wonderful breakfast clubs which give us a good start to the day and offer a range of breakfasts and activities for us to enjoy.
Playing at Balfour
Playing is as important to us as learning in lessons! We are introducing OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) at our school where we use as much of our great outdoor space as possible and have a range of equipment to use from sports equipment to dressing up clothes and small world toys.