We aim for 97% attendance for every child in our school.
Young people who attend at least 97% of school will almost certainly get the best grades they can, leading to better prospects for the future. Pupils will also get into a habit of attending school which will help in the future. We want to work together to support families and children in attending school as much as possible.
We understand that there are a range of reasons why your child might be off school. We want to support as many well children being in school as much as possible to support both their learning, wellbeing and sense of belonging.
Please see the link below from the NHS detailing when it is appropriate to keep your child off for illness:
If you have any concerns or questions regarding attendance, please review our Attendance Policy below or contact Attendance Officer and Assistant Headteacher Michaela Francis-Hicks.
The below document entitled "Working Together to Improve School Attendance" outlines all governmental advice around attendance:
Last week's attendance... Week ending 18th July 2024
Reception: 94.9%
Year 1: 95.5%
Year 2: 95.5%
Year 3: 94.9%
Year 4: 95.9%
Year 5: 97.4%
Year 6: 94.4%
Well done to Year 5 who have reached and exceeded our school target of 97%!
Absence Request Form
From September 2024, an Absence Request Form must be completed through Weduc at least two weeks before for any preplanned absence. The link to this form was shared with families last week. All requests will be reviewed by Mr Gunn, and a written response will be given explaining the decision.
Fixed Penalty Notices
The national threshold for Fixed Penalty Notices has changed. From August, this is met when a pupil has been recorded as having had unauthorised absence for 10 or more sessions (5 or more school days) in a period of 10 school weeks.
The cost of the Fixed Penalty Notices has increased, and procedure when a third fine is triggered has also changed.
- The first fine is £160 per parent/carer per child, if paid within 28 days, reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days.
If a second fine is issued to that parent/carer within a period of 3 school years, the fine is £160 per parent/carer per child to be paid within 28 days and there is no reduction if paid within 21 days.
A third penalty notice cannot be issued to the same parent/carer in respect of the same child, within 3 years of the first fine being issued. In a case where the national threshold is met for a third time (or subsequent times) within those 3 years, alternative action could be taken, such as prosecution.