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Year 2

What we are learning this week:



Please see Tapestry for learning updates!

All of last year's learning is explored below, broken down by term and week.


Previous Weeks' Learning

Summer 2, Week 7

This week we managed to avoid a stormy Sports Day!



We are reading "The Tin Forest" by Helen Ward. This week we have been very busy publishing our own Tin Forest stories ready to share with our new Year 3 teachers.


In Maths, we have been using the balance scales to measure the mass of different objects in the classroom. Then using < or > or = to compare.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your Year 2 common exception words.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Summer 2, Week 6

Our topic this half term is ‘In Full Bloom’. This week has been assembly week. Thank you so much to all our families for coming to watch them! 




We are reading "The Tin Forest" by Helen Ward. This week we have planned our own version of the story and started to write the build-up in our stories.


In Maths, we have been using the balance scales to measure the mass of different objects in the classroom. Then using < or > or = to compare.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your Year 2 common exception words.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Summer 2, Week 5

Our topic this half-term is ‘In Full Bloom’. This week we have been busy practising our end of year assemblies and we’re very excited to share with our families next week.

English: We are reading "The Tin Forest" by Helen Ward. This week we have planned our own version of the story and started to describe our setting and character.

Maths: In Maths, we have been revisiting multiplication and division.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your Year 2 common exception words.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Summer 2, Week 4

Our topic this half-term is ‘In Full Bloom’. This week we celebrated Windrush Day. We made fruit kebabs, party hats and had a little dance too!


We are reading "The Tin Forest" by Helen Ward. We wrote adverts to persuade animals to come and live in our tin forests.


In Maths, we have been revisiting multiplication and division.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your Year 2 common exception words.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency. 

Summer 2, Week 3

Our topic this half term is ‘In Full Bloom’. In RE, we have been learning about three ‘lost’ parables from Luke 15 (The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, The Lost Son) and discussed the messages in each. Then we worked in groups to create a freeze frame of key points of the stories.


We are reading "The Tin Forest" by Helen Ward. After creating our own tin forests, we are now ready to write advertisements to invite animals to come and live in them.


In Maths, we have been revisiting multiplication and division.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency. 

Summer 2, Week 2

Our topic this half term is ‘In Full Bloom’. This week we visited Wakehurst to learn more about plants. We had a great day making art in nature, learning about seeds and walking around the grounds.


We are reading ‘The Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward. We wrote diaries imagining a day in the life of the old man.


In Maths, we have been continuing to subtracting two 2-digit numbers bridging ten.

  Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.     

Summer 2, Week 1

Our new topic this half term is ‘In Full Bloom’.


We are reading ‘The Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward. We wrote descriptive sentences about our dreams for the future.



In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting two 2-digit numbers.



Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Summer 1, Week 6

Our topic this half term is ‘A Caribbean Carnival’. This week, we learned about food chains. We worked in groups to order food chains and decided which were producers or consumers and which were prey, predators or both. We also thought about whether the different animals were carnivores, omnivores or herbivores.


English: We are reading ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin. We wrote letters from Floella describing her arrival in London.

Maths: In Maths, we enjoyed learning about money and playing maths games during Numeracy Day.


Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency

Summer 1, Week 5

Our topic this half-term is ‘A Caribbean Carnival’. This week, we looked at secondary sources to find out more about the climate and weather in Kingston, Jamaica. We compared this with our knowledge of the weather and climate in London, England. Then we played four corners to match the statement with the correct location.



We are reading ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin. We watched a clip about Paddington coming to London. Then, we imagined we were Floella and Paddington arriving together!



In Maths, we have been learning about vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry.


Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Summer 1, Week 4

Our topic this half term is ‘A Caribbean Carnival’. This week, we finished our dioramas ready for the Art Exhibition on Saturday 18th May… we hope to see you all there!


We are reading ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin. We have been using our senses to write and publish our descriptive sentences about life in Trinidad.


In Maths, we have been learning the names of 2D and 3D shapes. We have been also been counting the sides and vertices, then using resources to create our own shapes.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.


Summer 1, Week 3

Our topic this half term is ‘A Caribbean Carnival’. In Art, we have been using a range of joining techniques to create our dioramas for the art exhibition


We are reading ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin. This week, we used hot seating and drama to help us describe scenes from the book.


In Maths, we have been telling the time. This week we have been learning to tell the time past the hour and to the hour.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.



We are reading ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin. This week, writing sentences using a possessive apostrophe and conjunctions like ‘because’, ‘when’ and ‘if’.



In Maths, we have been telling the time. First, we read ‘The Bad-Tempered Ladybird’ by Eric Carle and used clocks to show each time in the story. Then we went outside to make a human clock.


Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Summer 1, Week 1

Our new topic this half term is ‘A Caribbean Carnival’. We will be comparing the UK and Jamaica. In Art, we learned about the Jamaican artist Ebony Patterson. We then practised different joining techniques ready to create our habitat dioramas.


We are reading ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin. This week, we moved around the classes exploring settings, from the beach to a carnival. Then we wrote descriptive sentences about each setting.


In Maths, we completed our topic on fractions.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.


Spring 2, Week 6

In Science, we consolidated our learning about materials with a game of ‘Guess my Material’.

English: We are reading ‘The Pirates Next Door’ by Jonny Duddle. This week we wrote, edited and published our pirate stories.

Maths: In Maths, we began our topic on fractions. We started by identifying one-half and one-quarter of objects, shapes and numbers. Then we celebrated the end of our topic with a ‘Pirate School Graduation’ ceremony!

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Spring 2, Week 5

In our science lesson, we looked at different materials and identified the properties and suitability. Then compared the properties and suitability to another material.

English: We read ‘The Pirates Next Door’ by Jonny Duddle and then planned our own pirate stories. After planning we sat around a campfire and retold our stories!

Maths: In Maths, we have been recognising and using the symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combining amounts to make a particular value. Then we played shopkeepers to find the change.



Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Spring 2, Week 4

The theme this year for British Science Week was ‘Time!’. We thought about what time means to us.

 English: We felt very proud to invite our families into school to share our ‘Emperor Penguin Fact Files’. 

Maths: In Maths, we have been recognising and using the symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combining amounts to make a particular value.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Spring 2, Week 3

This week we celebrated World Book Day and enjoyed our bedtime stories together.


English: We are reading ‘The Emperors Egg by Martin Jenkins. This week we edited and published our Emperor penguin fact files, ready to share with our families next week.

Maths: In Maths, we have been recognising and using the symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combining amounts to make a particular value.


Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Spring 2, Week 2


We had great fun during our Explorers Day and we learnt lots of interesting facts about significant people.


This week we are reading ‘The Emperors Egg by Martin Jenkins. We had lots of fun acted out the roles of the male and female penguins. Then we began planning and editing our fact files.


In Maths, we have been focusing on division. This week we were sharing and grouping using multilink. Then we recorded the division equation in our books.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.


Spring 2, Week 1

Our new topic this half term is ‘We are Explorers’. In History, we will be learning about exploration. We will be asking and answering questions about the past and exploring what makes someone significant.


This week we are reading ‘The Emperors Egg by Martin Jenkins. We learned lots of interesting facts and imagined we were male emperor penguin looking after our precious eggs.



In Maths, we have been focusing on division. Using multilink cubes, we have been creating equal and unequal groups. Then we worked with our talk partners to solve word problems.


Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.


Spring 1, Week 6


In English, we have been looking at persuasive language. At the start of the week, we looked at different types of bed adverts. They then had to use expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and a range of sentences to create their own persuasive adverts. They then shared these with the rest of the class.


In Maths, we have been doing some multiplication quizzes to bring all of our learning from our multiplication unit. The children have been brilliant at learning their x2, x5 and x10 times tables.


In Geography, the children have been bringing all their knowledge and skills together to create their very own Earth. The children had to label and design each continent, place the equator on the balloon and then write any facts that they knew about each continent. This was a great way for the children to be able to visualise the Earth.

Home Learning

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Spring 1, Week 5

English: This week in English, we have started reading ‘What We’ll Build’ by Oliver Jeffers. We spent the start of the week looking at the differences between commands, statements, questions and exclamations. The children then used these to write about what makes their house a home.

Maths: In Maths, we have been looking at doubling and halving. The children learnt that doubling is the same as multiplying by two. We have spent the week consolidating this by playing mathematical games. Bingo was a success!

Geography: In Geography, we went outside to help us understand where the equator, north and south poles are. We then spent some time discussing the polar regions and which countries are near the equator. We used chalk to draw our own Earths to help us understand this better.


Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Spring 1, Week 4


This week the children have been learning to use verbs in the past tense. They written a range of sentences about all the kind things people have done for them in the past. They have focused especially on questions and how to use different question words at the start of their sentences. They then used this to help them in their final piece of writing, in which they wrote notes on how to live on Earth.


This week the children have been consolidating their times tables knowledge. They have been using a range of manipulatives to support them in understanding each part of multiplication equations.



In Indoor PE, the children have been learning new dance techniques. They learnt how to dance in unison, create a canon and to use their bodies to show different levels. In Outdoor PE, the children have been practicing their dribbling skills.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Spring 1, Week 3


This week we have used our skills to write a descriptive piece of writing about the Earth. We have spent lots of time looking at all the brilliant things we can do on the Earth, whilst listening to ‘What a Wonderful World’ by Louis Armstrong to help us with this.


This week we have started learning our x5 and x10 times tables. The children worked really when making their own posters all about the x10 times tables. We then spent lots of time looking at the x5 times tables and at how multiplication is communitive.


In Geography, we had a special visit from Paula who works for British Airways. She came to our classes to talk about her experience as working as cabin crew, whilst sharing all her experiences about flying to the 7 continents. The children asked lots of interesting questions about her job.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Spring 1, Week 2

English: We have spent our lessons looking at the setting and characters in ‘Here we are’ by Oliver Jeffers. We started the week by thinking of expanded noun phrases to describe the different settings in the story, which we then turned into full sentences using contractions, apostrophes and conjunctions.

Maths: This week we have introduced the multiplication symbol. We started the week by looking at multiplying by 0 and 1 and now we are focusing on our two times tables. Thank you to everyone who brought in a pair of socks, our washing line has really helped us understand the two times tables.


Art: In Art, we have started to look at Lubaina Himid’s work. The children have spent time looking at a range of her artwork and discussed which ones were their favourite.They then spent time thinking about what materials she may have used to create the artwork. This has linked well with our Science topic, Materials.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Spring 1, Week 1

Our topic this half term is ‘Our Wonderful World’. In Geography, we will be finding out about how the world is made up of the continents and seas.


We are now reading ‘Here we are’ by Oliver Jeffers. We started the week by comparing stories by the same author and thought about what questions we could ask the author. We spent lots of time thinking about the Earth and what activities and adventures you can get up to whilst being on Earth. This has linked well with our Geography lesson too!


This term, we are starting to look at Multiplication. This week we have looked at how groups are equal and unequal by using beads to help us. We have also learnt how repeated addition is the same as multiplication and why we use the multiplication symbol


Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Autumn 2, Week 6


We have edited and published our Victorian diary entries and have made sure we have included several common features such as the date, writing in the first person and using time adverbials. When we were happy with them and had made any changes we needed to, we wrote them up in our best handwriting on old-fashioned paper; some people even started to join the diagonal joins we have been practising.


In maths, we have finished our first unit on addition and subtraction and have been putting skills we have learnt into practise in a calculation and a reasoning quiz. Then we have used our knowledge of addition and subtraction and methods we have learnt to solve problems and complete some maths challenges and games.


We have discussed things that are special to us and how we might feel if we were to lose them. We read the story ‘Lost and found’ by Oliver Jeffers and thought about how the characters were feeling when they had lost something important to them. We recognised that it is important to keep money safe and found out ways in which people can do this; keeping their money in a bank account or piggy bank. We found that sometimes, items can be special to us even if they are not very valuable or expensive.

Autumn 2, Week 5


We have been doing lots of grammar work this week, we have learnt the difference between formal and informal language and have learnt how to use contractions to make our diary writing more personal. We have used an apostrophe to show letters that we have removed, for example, is not becomes isn’t, should have becomes should’ve.


In maths, we have been continuing our work on addition and subtraction of 10 and 2-digit numbers. We have been subtracting multiples of 10 from any 2-digit number, knowing that when we add or subtract 10, the ones digit will not change. We have been doing lots of practical work to spot patterns, partition numbers and calculate the difference.


We have had a rather disgusting time in history, learning about the Victorian sewer systems in Brighton! These drastically cleaned up the streets of the city … no more cesspools at the bottom of the street! What a fabulous invention, not only did this keep the streets cleaner, it helped to stop the spread of nasty diseases. We still use much of the Victorian sewer system today.


In science we have learnt about the importance of personal hygiene and how this can help to keep us healthy. We thought of routines that help to keep us clean and conducted a small survey to see what hygiene habits we have.

Autumn 2, Week 4


In English we have started to look at the diary of a Victorian school child, Maggie Johnson. We have picked out features of a diary entry such as ‘first person’, ‘past tense’, ‘chronological order’ and ‘time connectives’. We have compared Maggie’s school day with our own and discussed some key differences between modern and Victorian school.


In maths, we have been using knowledge of ‘make 10’ to add and subtract two single-digit numbers and then used this method to add or subtract a single-digit number to or from a two-digit number. For instance, 8 add 5; “I know that 8 needs 2 to make 10, and 10 add 3 is 13.” We have been using part-part-whole models to show these equations and find the missing parts.


In P.E, we have continued to work on a short gymnastic routine, including different movements, balances and jumps. We have practised transitioning from move to move and have had some time to perform. In outdoor PE, we have been ‘sending and receiving’ a range of equipment, thinking about how we can throw, hit or kick accurately. We have practised these skills and then used them in some team games.


In science this week, we have learnt how physical activity can help to keep humans and animals fit and healthy. We developed our own ‘workout’ routines and took time to recognise and explain what we can feel after doing some exercise.

Autumn 2, Week 3


We have been thinking about the emotions of the Christmas pine and why it might be a grumpy, grouchy Christmas tree. The tree had been chopped down and taken to a different country, it might be missing home. It was decorated with itchy, irritating tinsel and heavy, clanging baubles. The noise of the city kept it up all night and the tree was tired of people staring at it and taking pictures. Worst of all was all the singing, the poor tree couldn’t get any peace and quiet!

We have been thinking of ideas to create our own grumpy Christmas pine poem and have started to write our stanzas using ambitious vocabulary and even some rhyme!


In maths, we have been doing lots of work on addition using our knowledge of number bonds, make 10 and adding 10’s and 1’s to solve problems. We have thought about using what we know and how this can help us solve some more challenging problems; for example, if I know that 6 and 4 is 10, then I know that 16 and 4 is 20 and 26 and 4 is 30. We have been practising partitioning numbers to make a 10 and then add on. So, 18 + 6… 18 needs 2 to make 20 (4 left), 20 + 4 = 24, 18 + 6 = 24.


History / Topic:

In History, we had an afternoon in a Victorian classroom! We had to be on our best behaviour, sit up straight, no calling out and no mistakes or we would be sent to the dunce corner! The teachers were so strict and some cheeky children even got a wallop with the cane! (A pretend wallop of course!) We thought about how school has changed since Victorian times and picked out a few similarities and differences between school then and now.



As it is Anti-Bullying Week, we have been thinking about appropriate behaviour in and out of school. We discussed some scenarios that children may experience and how we can manage these situations. We discussed what bullying is and what this looks like, as well as how this is different to a one-off unkind comment or action. We came up with some steps to take if we ever feel uncomfortable or that someone is deliberately being unkind.

Autumn 2, Week 2


We have been exploring more of the Christmas pine poem written by Julia Donaldson and have been learning to use a range of word types such as conjunctions and punctuation; like possessive apostrophes. We have listened to and watched some performance poetry, and thought about how we can use our voice, body and gestures to bring a poem to life!


In maths, we have been spotting patterns when adding or subtracting 1 and 10 to or from a number. We used resources to show how when adding or subtracting one, the total will be consecutive – the next number. We used 10’s frames and dienes blocks to show how in most cases, when adding or subtracting 10, the ones digit will not change.

History / Topic:

In History, we have been looking at Victorian artefacts and asking questions about them. Some of the items were very odd to us and we had to work together to find clues about what they are, what they are called, who may have used them, what they were made out of, and what they do.



In science, we thought about the importance of diet to keep animals and humans healthy. We learnt the 5 main food groups – carbohydrates and starchy foods, fats, oils and sugar, fruit and vegetables, dairy and proteins. We designed our own ‘eat well’ plate and added some of our favourite foods for each food group.


In indoor PE, we have ben continuing to build a simple routine, including different movements, stretches and balances. We have learnt how to do and hold a bridge and a plank and thought about the muscles we can feel working as we perform the routine.

In outdoor PE, we have been using different equipment to send and receive accurately. We have been practising throwing and catching and kicking and stopping. We have used these skills in simple team games.


Autumn 2, Week 1


In English this week, we have started to explore our new Julia Donaldson text, The Christmas Pine.

This is a fantastic poem that tells the story of the Christmas tree that is chosen each year to be brought from Oslo to London and displayed in Trafalgar Square.

We have picked out key words and phrases and have spotted key features of poetry – stanzas, lines, rhyme, rhythm and alliteration.

We worked in groups to learn parts of the poem and created our own actions to show when performing.



In maths, we have been looking at pictograms. We discussed what these are and what information (data) can be shown on them. We gathered data to complete our own pictograms and answered questions about them, using subtraction to find the difference between amounts.

History / Topic:

We have started our new topic, ‘home sweet home’, where we are learning about the Victorian Era. We found out  lots of information about Queen Victoria and created a class timeline of significant events that have occurred from the Victorian Era until now. We also created a mind map to show what we already know about this time and what we would like to find out during our history lessons.


In science, we have had a very exciting lesson trying to survive on a desert island. We thought about what essentials animals and human need to survive and how this is different to items humans want. We learnt that we will die without oxygen, water and food and we also need enough sleep, warmth and shelter from the elements. There were many things that we found would be useful on a desert island such as a map, a compass, a bed etc., but these were wants as we could survive without them.



Autumn 1, Week 7

Our topic this half term is ’Sussex by the Sea’.

We had a very special visit from Mike, a ranger for Brighton and Hove Council. He spoke to the children all about the different vegetation in our city and the children decided whether certain plants grew naturally or whether they were planted by humans.


This week, we have been writing book reviews. We had to get into two teams, choosing between ‘The Snail and The Whale’ or ‘The Baddies’ by Julia Donaldson. The challenge was to write the best book to review to convince Mr Gunn to buy your teams book for the KS1 Reading Raffle.


We have been finding the difference using a number line and multilink.


We investigated whether the tallest children had the longest feet. After lining up in height order, we measured our feet using cubes.

Home Learning:

  • Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for after half term.
  • Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal. If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!
  • Maths – Please logon to Numbots and start earning those coins! There will be a certificate each Friday for the child who has made the most effort.

Autumn 1, Week 6

Our topic this half term is ’Sussex by the Sea’.


In computing, we have been using ScratchJr to program our own interactive games. In the process, we are learning how to solve problems, design projects, and express ourselves creatively on the computer.


In Art, we are very proud of our Lowry style paintings of local landmarks.


We received a letter from Julia Donaldson asking for help. She needs us to create a baddy for her new story. After designing our baddies, we came to school to find they had been up to all kinds of mischief! So, we made ‘Wanted’ posters to try and find the culprits.


We have been using our knowledge of bonds within 10 to add three numbers efficiently.

Home Learning:

  • Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.
  • Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal. If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!
  • Maths – Please logon to Numbots and start earning those coins! There will be a certificate each Friday for the child who has made the most effort.

Autumn 1, Week 5

Our topic this half term is ’Sussex by the Sea’. This week we created maps to show our journey to St Matthias Church. We included a key and lots of human and physical features we passed on our way.


This week, we have been focussing on describing the different characters in ‘The Baddies’ by Julia Donaldson. We worked together to create a class mind map of ambitious vocabulary for each character. Then, we used our ideas to write our character descriptions including similes too.


We have been using Dienes, cubes and a part part whole model to partition numbers 100. Later in the week, we used this knowledge to record all the equations represented by the model.

  • Home Learning:
  • Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.
  • Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal. If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!
  • Maths – Please logon to Numbots and start earning those coins! There will be a certificate each Friday for the child who has made the most effort.

Autumn 1, Week 4

Our topic this half term is ’Sussex by the Sea’. In RE, we have been finding out what makes a church special and the meaning of signs and symbols that are found in churches. We had great fun on our trip to St Matthias Church.


We are now reading ‘The Baddies’ by Julia Donaldson. We started the week by comparing stories by the same author and noticed lots of familiar characters, rhyming and repetitions in many of Julia Donaldson’s books. After that, we worked in small groups with scripts to role play the story.


We have been using Dienes and cubes to represent numbers 20 to 99. Using a blank number line from 0 to 100, we were able to estimate and then mark the position of the numbers on our number line.

Home Learning:

  • Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.
  • Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!
  • Maths – You should all have received a login for Numbots to practise your maths fluency. Please speak to your class teacher if not.

Autumn 1, Week 3

Our topic this half term is ’Sussex by the Sea’. In Geography, we have been looking at the human and physical landmarks of Brighton, ready to compare with Shoreham by Sea.


We are reading ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson. This week, each class has chosen a different setting to describe. After editing our writing, we now ready to publish our work. Watch out for our fabulous classroom displays!


We have continued to count in 10s to 100. We have been using a variety of resources to represent multiples of tens, including 10p coins, Dienes and towers of cubes.

After recapping on our number bonds to ten, we were able to use our knowledge to record our bonds to 100.

Home Learning:

  • Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.
  • Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.  If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!
  • Maths – You should all have received a login for Numbots to practise your maths fluency. Please speak to your class teacher if not.

Autumn 1, Week 2

Our topic this half term is ’Sussex by the Sea’. In Geography, we have been looking at the human and physical landmarks of Brighton. 

English : We have been reading ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson. During our immersion lessons we sequenced the story and learned actions to help us to memorise the story. Then using expanded noun phrases, we wrote sentences to describe the settings. 

Maths: Our focus this week has been counting in 10s to 100. We had great fun dancing to the macarena as we chanted our multiples! In the playground, we worked in pairs to create a hopscotch style game using our knowledge of multiples of 10. 


Home Learning: Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday!       


Autumn 1, Week 1

Our new topic this half term is ’Sussex by the Sea’. 

English: We have had a great week in Year 2, settling into our new classrooms and sharing our holiday news. After illustrating our favourite moments, we then wrote sentences to describe the events. 

Maths: This week we have been reviewing our previous learning in Year 1. We have been counting to 100 each day, representing numbers using resources and matching coins to amounts.  

Home Learning: Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday!