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Year 3

What we are learning this week:


Summer 2, Week 7


This week, we have written informal letters to the current Year 2 children, to let them know about all of the amazing things they’ll be doing in Year 3!


This week, we have been consolidating our knowledge of shape.


We have come to the end of our Active Planet topic! Our task was to create a range of earthquake proof buildings using marshmallows and cocktail sticks. Some of the structures survived three powerful earthquakes.



Previous week's learning:

Summer 2, Week 6


This week, we have started to write informal letters to the current Year 2 children, to let them know about all of the amazing things they’ll be doing in Year 3!


This week, we have been consolidating our knowledge of parallel and perpendicular lines and identifying where they are in the outside world.


We created prototypes for our DT packaging project!



Summer 2, Week 5


This week, we have been writing our own poems and performing them.


This week, we have been learning about perpendicular and parallel lines. We have used this knowledge to draw a wide range of different polygons.


We consolidated our learning on Islam and had a go at converting the classroom into a Mosque.


Summer 2, Week 4


This week, we have published our stories and made the most beautiful storybooks!


This week, we have been learning how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.


We started to think about our design brief for DT. We created prototypes to see how our a packaging would work.


Summer 2, Week 3


This week, we have become authors and using all the skills we have learnt, we wrote our sequels to The Promise.


This week, we have continued to build on our knowledge of fractions. This week we have learnt how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.


We have been helping each other edit our writing!      

Summer 2, Week 2


This week, we have continued building on our story writing skills using the book ‘The Promise’ and the children have been creating their own settings and characters using descriptive and powerful language.


This week, we have been building on our knowledge of fractions. We have learning how to use repeated addition of a unit fraction to make a non-unit fraction. The children have also learnt how to place fractions on a number line.


In Science, we have become rock detectives! We explored and then drew different types of rocks!



Summer 2, Week 1


This week, we have started reading a book called ‘The Promise’ by Nicola Davies. It’s a wonderful book about somebody keeping a promise and changing the world to make it a better place.


This week, we have been learning about non unit fractions. The children have been learning about the difference between unit and non-unit fractions and identifying them.


This week was Global Week! The children took part in a farming stimulation.



Summer 1, Week 6


This week, we have completed our newspaper articles and published them on to large A3 tea-stained paper. They look incredible!


This week, we have been learning about number fact relationships between multiplication and division. The children have discovered that if you know that 8 x 3 = 24 then you also know that 3 x 8 = 24, 24 ÷ 3 = 8 and 24 ÷8 =3.


We had the BEST Roman workshop day which was a great way to complete our Romans unit.


Summer 1, Week 5


This week, we have continued with our unit on Journalistic Writing. We have been consolidating our journalism skills such as writing in past tense, paragraphs and the 5 Ws (Who, Where, When, Why and HoW)


This week, we have been learning about unit fractions and then applying this knowledge to answer a variety of different word problems. We have also started to find fractions of amounts.


We designed and created our fantastic Islamic prayer mats for the Community Art show. The children applied all their knowledge of paint mixing to create these beautiful designs.   


Summer 1, Week 4



This week, we started a new unit on Journalistic Writing. We learnt about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii. The children have been learning skills to help them write a newspaper report about the big event.


This week, we have been learning about fractions of a whole and the relationships between the parts and the denominator.


We learnt about fraction walls and constructed our own to help scaffold our thinking.


Summer 1, Week 3


This week, we are finishing off our biographies about Boudicca and recording ourselves read out our biographies.


This week, we have been learning how to construct wholes after being given the number of parts. We have learnt how to write a fraction in the correct way.


In Art, we have learnt how we can apply paint using a brush in a range of different ways.



Summer 1, Week 2


This week, the children have continued with their unit on biographies and have been learning all of the skills they need to write their own biography about Boudicca.


This week, we have been learning about numerators and denominators and identifying parts of a whole.


Our photos show the children exploring colour mixing. The children have learnt about how to create tertiary colours.




Summer 1, Week 1


This week, the children have started a new unit on biographies. We have read several examples of biographies and identified features.


This week, we have been learning about to solve subtraction calculations using the column method. We have been using the terms: - subtrahend, minuend, difference and exchanging.


Our photos show the children exploring a range of different Islamic prayer mat during our Art session. They looked closely at the patterns and colours and discussed each one with their learning buddy.


Spring 2, Week 4


This week, the children have started a new unit on Persuasive writing. The children are going to be writing a letter to a school in Italy to convince them to come to Brighton for their summer holiday.


This week, we have continued with our unit on the 2x, 4x and 8x table. This week we have focused on the 4x table.


This week has been Science Week!

We had to classify a range of different cubes! Thank you to some of our wonderful parents who have run workshops with us and talked about their careers in STEM.


Spring 2, Week 3

English: This week, the children have been writing their own versions of “The Little Pigs” written from the first little pig’s point of you.

Maths: This week, we started a unit on the 2x, 4x and 8x table. This week we have recapped the 2x table and started to look at the 4x table.

Photos: We have been creating our own little houses to show our story writing.



Spring 2, Week 2

English: This week, the children have been rehearsing their writing skills, using contractions, conjunctions, inverted commas and past tense. The writing has been brilliant!

Maths: This week, we have been continuing with our learning on how to complete addition sums using the column addition – we have introduced terms such as regrouping.

Photos: We have been making our own mechanical systems as part of our DT unit ‘Levers and Linkages.’



Spring 2, Week 1


This week, the children have started a new unit based on the story of the Three Little Pigs. They have been learning about alternative versions of traditional tales. The children heard a version told from the point of view of the wolf.


This week, we have been learning how to complete addition sums using the column addition – the children have been brilliant at it and have shown such excellent number sense and confidence!

Our new topic is called ‘An Italian Adventure’ and we can’t wait to learn all about Italy!


We have been using dienes and number counters to help us undertsand the use of column addition.


Spring 1, Week 6


This week, the children have been creating their amazing Non-chronological reports about Stonehenge. We are so proud of them and all of their hard work this term so far – they have shown such a wonderful attitude towards their writing!



This week, we have been consolidating all of the different skills we have learnt over the first half of the summer term.


We have been creating our own cave painting art by using our understanding of proportion.

We had a great trip to Brighton Museum this week where the children took part in a workshop with a member of the museum team. The children loved hunting for clues and finding out more about local findings.   

Spring 1, Week 5


This week, we have started a new unit on Non-chronological texts. We have been looking at lots of different types to help us identify the features. The children will be producing their own reports about Stonehenge.


This week, we have been learning how to identify the most efficient method when completing word problems using addition and subtraction.


Our photos show the children making Stonehenge out of biscuits! The temptation to eat the biscuits was overwhelming, but the children did very well.



Spring 1, Week 4


This week, we have completed our own adventure stories using the story ‘Stone Age Boy.’ The children have written the most wonderful stories and we can’t wait to share them with you!


This week, we have moved on to learning different methods for addition. We have used partitioning and adjusting between two numbers.

Spring 1, Week 3


This week, we have continued writing using our story ‘Stone Age Boy’ and the children have been planning their own versions.


This week, we have moved on to looking at mass. The children have had a go and reading different scales and answering word problems


Our photos show the children wearing the glasses the children made as they were learning that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect our eyes.


Spring 1, Week 2

English: This week we have used our skills to write a descriptive piece of writing about the Earth. We have spent lots of time looking at all the brilliant things we can do on the Earth, whilst listening to ‘What a Wonderful World’ by Louis Armstrong to help us with this.

Maths: This week we have started learning our x5 and x10 times tables. The children worked really when making their own posters all about the x10 times tables. We then spent lots of time looking at the x5 times tables and at how multiplication is communitive.

Geography: In Geography, we had a special visit from Paula who works for British Airways. She came to our classes to talk about her experience as working as cabin crew, whilst sharing all her experiences about flying to the 7 continents. The children asked lots of interesting questions about her job.

Home Learning

Spellings - Please practise your spellings ready for next Friday.

Reading - Remember to read at least 4 times per week and record in your reading journal.

If you read at least 4 times a week and record this in your reading journal, you will receive a raffle ticket and an opportunity to win a book during our celebration assembly!

Maths –Keep going with Numbots to practise your maths fluency.

Spring 1, Week 1

English: This week, we have continued writing with conjunctions using our text ‘The Stone Age Boy’ and the children are working towards writing their own version of the story.

Maths: This week, we have been identifying features of shapes such as vertices, right angles and diagonals.

Photos: Our photos show the children doing Nature School linked to our history topic. Could they catch a bison on the school field?



Autumn 2, Week 7

English: This week, we have started our new unit using the text ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura. We have fully immersed ourselves in the text by predicting what will happen, using the images in the text to understand the story and carried out some outdoor learning for a drama activity.

Maths: This week, we have been learning about right angles and have made our own angle checkers. We have used images and shapes to identify right angles.


Autumn 2, Week 6


This week, we finished our writing unit based on Fly Eagle Fly. The children thought about what would happen next and then wrote their own continuation using the writing skills we have learnt.


This week, we have been learning about place value. We have looked at how to partition numbers in a flexible way. We have also learnt how to count in 50s and how counting in 5s can help us with that.


Autumn 2, Week 5


This week, we have started a brand-new story writing unit based on the traditional African tale of Fly Eagle Fly. The children have read the book and created some fantastic pictures based on the different settings of the story.


This week, we have been learning about place value. We have been learning how to partition numbers in different ways and we have been using the terms addends in our answers. We have finished the week looking at 100 more and less and 10 more and less from a given number.

Autumn 2, Week 4


This week, we continued studying The Sound Collector by Roger McGough. We went on a walk around the school and then we created our own Sound Collector poems following the same rhyming pattern. We then performed the poems to our buddy classes.


This week, we have been learning about place value. The children have created 3-digit numbers using dienes and place value counters. We have then showed our understanding of place value in a variety of different ways.


We made paper clips float.


Autumn 2, Week 3


This week, we have started a new unit on poetry. The children have been studying a poem by Roger McGough called “The Sound Collector.” The children have learnt about the verbs and nouns that the poet used and then they went on a sound walk around school.


This week, we have been learning how to convert cm and mm into mms. We have learnt about mm’s are 10x smaller. We have used our rulers accurately to measure a range of things around the classroom.


Trip to the Pavilion:


Autumn 1, Week 7


This week, we have been reading a book called Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.  The children have enjoyed retelling the story using their own actions. We have learnt how to use speech marks and then added our own speech into the story.


This week, we have been learning how to add and subtract multiples of 10 from two- and three-digit numbers. We have learnt how to use a range of jottings to show our understanding.

Autumn 1, Week 6


This week, we have become scientific writers. We have been researching bones and muscles and using the information we have found to create notes ready to create and publish our leaflets next week.


This week, we have been learning about addition and subtraction. We have been learning to use a range of jottings to help us with calculations that go over 100.0


The children have been on a fantastic trip up the I360 this week to learn about the different land uses of Brighton and all the famous tourist attractions.


Autumn 1, Week 5

English: This week, we have continued reading the book, “The Secret of Black Rock” we have then used retold the story in our own words using the skills we have looked at during the unit.

Maths: This week, we have been learning about numbers past 100. We have created numbers in lots of different ways using a wide range of resources.

Photos: The children have been showing off all the different ways they have made numbers past 100.



Autumn 1, Week 4

English: This week, we have been reading the book, “The Secret of Black Rock” we have used this book to write some amazing descriptive sentences using time adverbials, powerful verbs and noun phrases. We finished the week learning how to write speech,

Maths: This week, we have been learning our multiples of 10 number bonds to 100 and then using this knowledge to learn the complements to 100.

Photos: The children have been learning how to hold a knife safely and then use the bridge and claw grips. They then used these skills to practise on different things.



Autumn 1, Week 3

English: This week, we have written in role as Sunny the meerkat. We wrote postcards home about what we had seen on our journey. 

Maths: This week, we have been learning about number bonds to 10 and then we have then learnt about different ways we can split 100.0

Photos: Here are a range of photos from science to DT.




Autumn 1, Week 2

English: This week, we have been learning about expanded noun phrases and then using this knowledge to write some fantastic descriptive sentences about the desert where Sunny the Meerkat lives.

Maths: This week, we have been learning two new methods of subtraction.

Photos: The children carried out an activity this week in science where they had to observe bubbles over time alongside 4 other activities using different lines of enquiry.



Autumn 1, Week 1


English: This week, we have been reading a book called All the Ways to be Smart. The children have been learning about what makes a sentence and then we wrote about the ways we are smart. 

Maths: This week, we have been using different representations of number such as the part-part-part-whole model and tens frames.